• Asian Recipes

    Famous Japanese Sweet Treats

    The Japanese are known for their healthy meals normally served in small portions. But much like other nationalities, they also indulge in sweets. And they’re not just eaten after meals because they’re also popular as snacks that can be eaten at any time. Japanese sweets were originally called kashi or gashi which referred to the nuts and fruits used in making them. Japan has various traditional and modern sweets. The traditional ones are known as wagashi usually made from plant ingredients and served with tea. Many use red bean paste as the main ingredient. The word wagashi was first used during the Meiji period from 1868 to 1912. Such term was…

  • Healthy Eating

    Four Tips To Eating Well On The Go

    Life is busy these days. Whether or not you have kids to take care of, you at least have a career and a life and those things can keep some people busy for days. Plus, so many people are taking work home with them that they have less time to make a healthy meal. You don’t have to settle for a diet of fattening, salty, unhealthy fast food though. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that you are eating healthy every day, and even getting the vitamins and nutrients that you need. Some of it requires some planning ahead, but not all of it. So,…

  • Healthy Eating

    4 Vitamins To Pay Attention To In Your Diet

    Generally speaking, people do a pretty good job of having a relatively balanced diet. Most foods, and meals by proximity, have a good balance of fat, carbohydrates, sugars, vitamins, and minerals, etc. But, there are a few vitamins to pay particular attention to. In some instances, lack of these vitamins can even make you sick or make you susceptible to disease. For a bit of general knowledge in the field of nutrition, you should have a basic knowledge of vitamin D, E, C, and then your B vitamins. If you can’t already talk about the basics of these necessary elements of your diet, then the following information will give you…

  • Food Business

    How Restaurants Respond To Food Poisoning

    No restaurant wants to be responsible for a case of food poisoning, but the fact is, it happens. When cooks are less than vigilant, or even when a shipment is not what it should be, you run the risk of a lawsuit. What do you do if you’re selling food that caused food poisoning? This article breaks it down. An Ounce Of Prevention Always be sure that you are ready for the eventuality of food poisoning. If your restaurant serves foods that are more likely to cause sicknesses, such as raw fish or rare meat, be ready. Post a warning in the restaurant and on the menu stating that these…

  • Healthy Eating

    3 Nutrition Concerns You Should Talk To Your Doctor About

    If you’ve been to see the doctor recently, you know that your physician or medical assistant makes it a priority to address any of your concerns or questions before you leave the office. However, for most people, it’s often difficult to remember any medical questions or concerns that arise in your daily life, even if you do have a question at one point. But just because you can’t remember them doesn’t mean they’re not important to bring up with your medical provider, especially if they have to do with your daily nutrition. Because your body gets the vitamins, nutrients, and energy it needs from the food you eat, it’s vital that you…