Pho With A Side of Kimchi
Asian food and flavors are often bold and colorful, dishes that evolved in home kitchens using accessible, affordable- and, perhaps most importantly, local- produce and ingredients. It’s the reason East Meets West “fusion” cuisine is so popular; when you combine classic Western cooking techniques with palate-exploding Asian flavors, the result can be amazing. But another type of fusion is winning the hearts of foodies everywhere: Asian Meets Asian, which marries flavors and techniques from different Asian cultures. We’re talking Indonesian Meets Japanese. It’s not far-fetched at all. Ethnic minority communities around the world have been doing it for years; Filipino dishes in many Manila restaurants have a marked Chinese flavor…
Making Healthy Meat Choices And Adding Them To Your Diet
Not everyone likes to eat meat, but those that do should know that not all meat choices are unhealthy. Shopping for meat that is good for you doesn’t even need to be difficult. And, some of the best meats out there can be used in many different meals. Meat offers you many great things that help your body run properly, more than just protein. Red meat is rich in iron, which is great for your blood. Even turkey offers you great benefits for brain health and more. Chicken Your best bet when it comes to shopping for chicken is to go organic. It can be easier to cook boneless, skinless…